• VIP table of 10 with special Italian wine served
• Prominent recognition in all event-related marketing materials and mailings (invitations sent to more than 40,000 executives in the US & Italy)
• Company’s banner on IACC website (12 months)
• One full page in the Gala Dinner Program
• VIP table of 10 with special Italian wine served
• Prominent recognition in all event-related marketing materials and mailings (invitations sent to more than 40,000 executives in the US & Italy)
• Company’s banner on IACC website (12 months)
• One full page in the Gala Dinner Program
• VIP table of 10 with special Italian wine served
• Prominent recognition in all event-related marketing materials and mailings (invitations sent to more than 40,000 executives in the US & Italy)
• Company’s banner on IACC website (12 months)
• One full page in the Gala Dinner Program